»Decolonising Transnationalism« – Movement Learning Catalyst Online Course – Session 2

30 Minutes
Contemporary Struggles, Transnationalist Theories, Grassroots Movement Building
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This Weeks Journey

This week we dive deeper into what it means to decolonise transnationalism and take the first steps to understand how translocal realities around us on the ground.


1. Imagine 

...Will mainstream decolonialization liberate us?

Alliance for Black Justice - Poland
The text is taken from the Decolonial Europe Day Booklet and written collectively by members of the Alliance for Black Justice in Poland: Agnieszka Bulacik, Marta Jalowska, Katarzyna Kubina and Àgnieszka Rözyriska with a contribution by Oliwia Oladigbolu. Alliance for Black Justice in Poland is a group of organisations based in Poland and created by Poles of African descent and their allies. 

Watch Gurminder K Bhambra: What it means to decolonise...

Now we invite you to watch Gurminder K Bhambra's speech on what it means to decolonise. Recorded at Decolonial Europe Day 2023

Watch Aarti Narsee on what practical decolonisation looks like...

Curios to read and explore further?

If you like to read up on further examples of decolonising practices and experiences, we recommend to you the Decolonial Europe Day Booklet. 

Now we would like you to get into active reflection of your own transnational trajectories.

2. Reflect

This week we invite you to take some time to reflect on the insights you gained from what was shared. While surely, some thoughts need to simmer in your head, others might feel more fresh and ready to put into practise. 

We invite you to go on a walk or get cozy on your sofa. Tune into your favorite playlist and stay in silence for a couple of minutes. First, just sense into how your body is feeling and then, ponder some of these questions if you like: 

  • What does decolonising mean to you?
  • What was the first time you heard about decoloniality? Think back to the moment, where you were, who was with you and how you felt.
  • How is your relationship with decolonising in your locality?

3. Create

Today, we invite you to engage in the activity: Translocalise your Spectrum of Allies

The Spectrum of Allies. Art: Josh Kahn - from the Commons Library

The Spectrum of Allies

The Spectrum of Allies is a useful tool for various occasions. It can help you to assess who your allies are and where you should place most energy to mobilize or organize certain constituencies. While it can be of interest to identify who your enemies are, the main purpose of this exercise is to dive deeper into understanding your allies. 

How does it work?

Draw a half circle on paper and divide it into five segments with the abovementioned names. Add in groups that are active in your locality and surroundings. Be specific! The more specific you are, the more this tool will serve you. Think about different types of actors: from more institutional ones, to legal ones, community groups or even powerful individuals and gatekeepers. Place them on your spectrum. Take a step back from your drawing to think: who am I missing here? 

Now, look and analyse at the Spectrum of Allies: 

  • Who is involved in decolonising efforts in your locality?
  • What is your role?
  • Do you have any practical experience with decolonial organizing?
  • What are the opportunities and obstacles to practical decolonial organizing in your locality?


Take a step back again and think beyond your locality: 

  • How can we organize across localities/ what are good practices to collaborate across b(orders)?
  • Who are the actors in here that operate transnationally or translocally, how and why? 

We would love to get a glimpse of your spectrum exercise and exchange about it online. Feel free to share it with info@euroalter.com and we will hopefully share some insights in the next edition. 

Moving forward 

An exciting week to reflect deeper on what it means to decolonise. We hope you were with us for the insights and the moments of silence and contemplation. We are looking forward to diving even deeper next week into what it means to decolonise and how to connect struggle from the grassroots to the institutional level.

Stay tuned for the newsletter next week and keep up what you are doing!

About the contributor

Movement Learning Catalyst Team