Transurban Solidarity Labs

In these dire times, with multiple crises spreading across the globe, we believe it is of critical importance to foster connections between struggles and localities to strengthen the webs of solidarity that are needed to fight the reactionary forces confronting us all. 

The Transurban Solidarity Lab is a collaborative movement research and learning programme for +30 grassroots activists from 15 different cities across Europe (and beyond) who are active in the struggles around housing, migrant rights’ and care work. Throughout the programme, the participants will get to know each other and each other’s struggles through online sessions, and become part of a co-learning group aimed at helping them address current challenges that are present in their activism. Embarking on collective discussions and reflections, the group will share insights and lessons drawn from their experiences and projects, identifying best practices, and providing mutual support to forge collective knowledge and build toward achieving common goals that can have a powerful impact in their fields of struggle. 

The programme concludes with a 2-day in-person event in Berlin that will assemble all participants along with other local activists and researchers to leverage community power on a transnational level.