News & Events

30.05.-02.06.2024, Volkskundemuseum Wien, Vienna (Open for Public & Free Entrance)

Summer School 2024 – »The Lost Art of Organizing Solidarity«

We’re happy to announce our Summer School 2024 under the title »The Lost Art of Organizing Solidarity«. We have invited 50 international and local community organizers, educators and artists who will meet in the »Free Republic of Vienna« with interested Viennese and Austrian climate activists and citizens to learn from each others’ stories, skills and strategies on how we can unite and fight across the differences and beyond the borders of communities, struggles and nations.

The event will be held mainly in English. Participants will be asked to sign up for whisper translations in different languages.

Join the Summer School in Vienna from 30 May to 2 June at the Volkskundemuseum Wien! Register now!

Book Out Now

»Democracy Without Politics in EU Citizen Participation – From European Demoi to Decolonial Multitude« – A New Book by Alvaro Oleart

We are happy to share that our activist scholar friend Alvaro Oleart has published a new book that also features a lot of our work at European Alternatives and the School of Transnational Organizing!

Get the book here!

08.12.2023, 19:00 – 23:00, Oyoun, Berlin

Winter Community Reunion 2023 – »How Was the Year and What is to Celebrate, Fellow Activists, Organizers & Workers?«

You are warmly invited to join our Winter Community Reunion over good food, stories, and karaoke! Bring some food from back home and a secret santa present to share with friends, family, and fellow migrants, activists, and organizers. And, let's celebrate and sing our struggles! Childcare will be provided!

Register now!



17.11.2023, 19:00 – 22:00, Startbahn, Berlin

Assembly, Film Screening & Storytelling Session – »From Here«

We’re happy to invite you to our Assembly and Film Screening, as part of the Winter Academy 2023. The assembly will be opened with excerpts from the film »From Here« (USA/GER | 2020 | 89'), and accompanied by a storytelling assembly, along with the filmmakers Christina Antonakos-Wallace and Olga Gerstenberger and the protagonists Tania Mattos and Miman Jasarovski. »From Here« is a film documentary set in both Berlin and New York and directed by Christina Antonakos-Wallace.

Join us for the assembly and experience a film and storytelling session that inspires change and awareness around citizenship, migration, democracy and belonging! Register now!




17.-19.11.2023, Startbahn, Berlin

Winter Academy 2023 – »Moving at the Speed of Trust«

We’re happy to announce our Winter Academy 2023 under the title »Moving at the Speed of Trust«. We have invited activists, organizers, educators, researchers, artists and civil society organizations from Europe and around the world who all dedicate their work to inquiring, re-thinking and building trust and solidarity within and between civil societies and/or social movements across and beyond Europe.

Together we want to find answers to the question, what is to be done against the current political climate of general mistrust? How can we tackle disinformation and join together to deepen democracy? What are the most effective strategies and practices to involve citizens and residents of the European Union in civil participation and community engagement? 

The assembly will provide the opportunity for in-person and online participation. Participation in some of our assemblies is by invitation only. However, interested people can register for online participation or attend our public assembly and film screening of »From Here« on Friday, 17.11.2023 from 19:00. Register now!

10.-12.11.2023, Werkstatt Wohnen klimagerecht organisieren, Berlin

Workshop »Strategic Movement Power Mapping«

Wir freuen uns, bei der Werkstatt vom Gesprächskreis Stadtpolitik, dem Arbeitskreis Organizing und der Fachgruppe Energiepolitik in der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung unter dem Titel "Wohnen klimagerecht organisieren" mit einem Workshop zu "Strategic Movement Power Mapping" dabei zu sein.

Lest das vollständige Programm und meldet Euch an!



27.-29.10.2023, How to Revolution? – A Conference on Self-Organizing in the Uprising of Woman Life Freedom, Berlin

Workshop »Mass Mobilization & Inclusive Participation for All«

We are happy to announce that we will be holding a workshop on "Mass Mobilization & Inclusive Participation for All" at a conference of the woman* life freedom collective Berlin together with representatives of Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen and the Berlin Hospital Movement on October 28, 2023.

Read the full programme and register now!

20.-21.10.2023, Creative Public Life, Budapest

Workshop »How to Create Change in Times of Democratic Crisis«

We are happy to announce that we will be holding a workshop on "Community Organizing & Movement Building" at the Creative Public Life Conference organised by as part of the Space of Opportunity in Budapest on October 21, 2023.

Read the full programme!

11.10.2023, Berlin

»Berlin Declaration« – In Defense of the Migration Society

We hereby want to call on all actvists and advocates of migrant and refugee rights to sign the »Berlin Declaration« initiated by our friends from »Transforming Solidarities«.

Read the declaration and sign here!

09.10.2023, Kultur Management Network Magazin

Interview und Podcast mit Georg Blokus – »Kulturelle Teilhabe und Kulturarbeit für alle – aber wie?«

Lest oder hört das Interview mit unserem Direktor Georg Blokus im Kultur Management Network Magazin: "Kulturelle Teilhabe und Kulturarbeit für alle – aber wie?"

02.09.2023, 15:00, Tempelhofer Feld, Berlin

Summer Community Reunion 2023 – »How's Life & Work Going, Friends?«

You are warmly invited to join our Summer Community Reunion over good food, music, and games! Bring some food from back home to share with friends, family, and fellow migrants and organizers. Childcare will be provided! 



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Unsere neue Reihe von politischen Verlernheften für Anfänger:innen und Fortgeschrittene – »Politische Verlernhefte«

Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch mitzuteilen, dass unsere ersten politischen Verlernhefte endlich veröffentlicht sind. Es war eine lange und spannende Reise, auf der wir viel von unterschiedlichen Menschen in unseren Projekten in Ostdeutschland und Osteuropa gelernt haben, das wir jetzt mit Euch und der Welt teilen möchten.

27. + 28.06.2023, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Headquarter, Berlin (Invitation Only)

Transnational Lab for Popular, Cultural & Social Movement Educators – »We Make the Road By Walking«

We're happy to announce our non-public transnational lab for popular, cultural and social movements educators. Throughout a 2-day participatory programme with 30 specially invited international participants we will share our knowledge, skills and tools on how to transform people, communities and societies.

Participation in the event is by invitation only!

20.-22.04.2023, Weltecho, Chemnitz

Transnationale Workshopreihe – »Hoch die intersektionale Solidarität«

Wir freuen uns, Euch zu unserem nächsten Teil unserer transnationalen Workshopreihe in Chemnitz einzuladen. Gemeinsam mit lokalen zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteur:innen und politischen Bildner:innen, Forscher:innen und Künstler:innen aus anderen Teilen Deutschlands und Europa möchten wir lernen, wie intersektionale Solidarität eigentlich in der Praxis aussieht.

Bitte meldet Euch für die einzelnen Workshops an!

25.03.2023, 17:00–22:00, betahaus, Berlin

Transnational Organizing Forum – »What Is To Be Done«

Now, we are thrilled to announce WHAT IS TO BE DONE, a transnational organizing forum that focuses on building more hopeful, more joyful, and more powerful social movements, political campaigns, and collective actions – in cities and communities across the continent and beyond the borders of identities, struggles, and nations.

Attention to the next generation of movements and organizers from across Europe gathering in Berlin! Join us for an evening full of mutual inspiration, collective learning, and joint conspiration ... and the final public moment of the Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator Bootcamp!



22.-24.02.2023, Weltecho, Chemnitz

Transnationale Workshopreihe – »Hoch die intersektionale Solidarität«

Wir freuen uns, Euch zu unserem nächsten Teil unserer transnationalen Workshopreihe in Chemnitz einzuladen. Gemeinsam mit lokalen zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteur:innen und politischen Bildner:innen, Forscher:innen und Künstler:innen aus anderen Teilen Deutschlands und Europa möchten wir lernen, wie intersektionale Solidarität eigentlich in der Praxis aussieht.

Bitte meldet Euch für die einzelnen Workshops an!

19.11.2022, 15:00–18:00, Theater Bremen (Kleines Haus)

Transnational Assembly of Workers' Solidarity – »Towards Ecological Syndicalism!«

Join our Transnational Assembly of Workers' Solidarity featuring migrant workers, climate justice organizers, anti-racist organizers, theorists, and educators from political movements and trade unions from Bremen and all over Europe to ask collectively how we can organize a powerful transnational movement ecology and how we can build a convergence of labor, climate and migration struggles, and ecologize the demands of these struggles for socio-ecological transformation!



16.-20.11.2022, Theater Bremen (Invitation Only)

Transnational Worker Organizing Summit – »Syndicat!«

Join our public programme at the Transnational Workers' Organizing Summit featuring migrant workers, climate justice organizers, anti-racist organizers, theorists, and educators from political movements and trade unions from Bremen and all over Europe!



21.06.2022, 19:00-22:00, Laika Bar, Berlin

Transnational Organizing Talk with Rodrigo Nunes – »The Ecology of Political Organization« (Berlin)

Join our Transnational Organizing Talk with Rodrigo Nunes moderated by Daniel Gutiérrez! Bring friends and fellow organizers, and let's discuss what we can learn from the past for our current and future struggles!



25.01.2021, 17:00 – 21:30 (CET), Zoom (Online)

Voters Without Borders Online Citizen Forum – »Full Political Rights Should Not Be Tied To National Citizenship«

Join us in this citizens forum to learn how to counteract the political marginalization and disenfranchisement of migrant communities and to discuss how we can fight for equal political rights, comprehensive citizenship reform, and true transnational democracy.

Register now via email!

23.09.2021, Cologne

»Cologne Declaration« – For a Politics of Justice and Humanity

Eighty of the most important activists and artists from the German-speaking world have signed an open letter strongly denouncing the EU's misdeeds in migration policy.

We hereby want to call on all actvists and advocates of migrant and refugee rights to support the »Cologne Decleration« initiated by the International Institute of Political Murder, NT Gent, #LeaveNoOneBehind, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, us and many more...

23.09.2021, 14:00–15:30, Zoom

Workers Without Borders Online Forum: »In Conversation with EU Policymakers«

Join our Workers Without Borders online forum featuring Agnes Jongerius (Member of the European Parliament), Denis Gonton (Senior policy expert from the EU Commission), Kinga Milankovics (Care Worker), Orry Mittenmayer (Delivery Worker), and Leila Minano (Journalist, Investigate Europe)!



14.06.2021, 19:00–21:00, Zoom

Workers Without Borders Online Forum: »Agricultural Workers in the Food Industry«

Join our Workers Without Borders online forum on »Agricultural Workers in the Food Industry« featuring Dorothea Biaback Anong (Researcher at the University of Applied Sciences & Arts Hildesheim) and Benjamin Luig (Campaign Coordinator of the “Initiative Faire Landarbeit” at the European Migrant Workers Union/IG BAU)!



26.05.2021, 19:00–21:00, Zoom

Workers Without Borders Online Forum: »Care Workers in the Health Sector«

Join our Workers Without Borders online forum on »Care Workers in the Health Sector« featuring Madlen Nikolova (Sheffield University researcher and member of KOI Sofia/Collective for Social Interventions), Dr. Sarah Schilliger (Bern University), Kinga Milankovics (self-employed care worker and founder of Hekate Foundation), Maria (an undocumented care worker in the UK), and Flavia Matei (IG24 Austria)!



08.05.2021, 18:00–20:00, Zoom

Workers Without Borders Online Forum: »Delivery Workers in the Platform Economy«

Join our Workers Without Borders online forum on »Delivery Workers in the Platform Economy« featuring Joanna Bronowicka (Polish sociologist, political activist & former Director of the Centre for Internet & Human Rights at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder), Orry Mittenmayer (Co-founder of the “Liefern am Limit” campaign & Union Organizer at Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten), and Henry Lopez (General Secretary of the Independent Workers of Great Britain Union)!



20.09.2019, 19:30–22:00, CHB - Collegium Hungaricum Berlin

Public Discussion – »How Has Protest Changed in the Face of Climate Change?« (Berlin)

The climate question has re-emerged as the defining question of our era. Climate justice movements have made the call for system change acceptable again through new ways of mobilising on the streets. Has activism changed in the time of climate change? What strategies work best for reaching the needed influence into effective policy for the socio-ecological transformation?

Join us for free!

Neues Buch erhältlich

»Wann, wenn nicht wir« – Ein Handbuch von Extinction Rebellion Deutschland

Wir freuen uns, Euch mitteilen zu können, dass unsere Direktorin Daphne Büllesbach einen Beitrag zu einem neuen Buch von »Extinction Rebellion Deutschland« geschrieben hat! In diesem Beitrag geht es um den »European Dream« einer europäischen Bürger:innenversammlung, die die Klimakrise in Angriff nehmen sollte.

Holt Euch das Buch!

15.09.2019, Haus der Berliner Festspiele (Berlin)

Community Congress – »What Comes After the Nation-State?« (Berlin)

Ten years have passed since the collapse of Lehman Brothers ushered in the great Western financial crisis. Since that day, history has returned with a vengeance. From ongoing economic stagnation in large parts of the West to rising extremism, from threats of an end to liberal democracy to challenges to neoliberal globalization, the world appears in a state of flux. But while events are racing forwards, can the same be said of ideas? Our conceptual toolkit appears tragically unable to describe our present and shape our future. Why is that? And what are some of the categories that we should radically re-interpret today?

In the context of the international literature festival berlin, the civil society network European Alternatives seeks to explore these questions with activists, artists, and intellectuals from around the world.

Join us! No pre-registration and entrance fee required!