Transnational Lab for Popular, Cultural & Social Movement Educators – »We Make the Road By Walking«
27. + 28.06.2023, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Headquarter, Berlin (Invitation Only)We're happy to announce our non-public transnational lab for popular, cultural and social movements educators. Throughout a 2-day participatory programme with 30 specially invited international participants we will share our knowledge, skills and tools on how to transform people, communities and societies.
Participation in the event is by invitation only!

About the Transnational Lab »We Make the Road by Walking«
European Alternatives' School of Transnational Organizing brings together invited critical pedagogues, radical trainers, popular educators, and students fighting for alternative educationfrom Berlin and across Europe for a 2-day non-public transnational lab. Invited are various popular, cultural and organizing educators and students - from advanced to beginner - from different local, educational and social contexts - fighting for education justice by, with, and for the people. We truly believe that – across the differences of our personal and political backgrounds – we can learn extensively from each other's praxis and are curious to explore new concepts, proven pedagogies, and experimental approaches to transform learning journeys, environments, and experiences.
Education, despite being praised as an integral tool for change, remains in the shadows, a byproduct of every theory of change. While institutions are struggling on capacity and quality education with privatization on the rise, the people remain curious, daring and eager to learn. As we witness a decrease in critical, alternative, and radical pedagogies in times of intersecting crises, we respond with community, care, and courage focusing on trust, relationship, and leadership building. As facilitating popular, cultural, and social movement education is always about creating spaces where learning and education as emancipation is at the center - where justice is bold and transformation is near.
In this transnational lab we want to create a relational, peer-to- peer learning space, exchanging on core practices of popular education, sharing skills, tools, and stories from recent campaigns, projects, and learnings on the road. In a dialogical spirit, we will hold space and invite groups to contribute with a workshop, a skill- or toolshare, or a reflection session: How do we persist to transform the world and those around us within our daily praxis – across communities, struggles, and nations? How do we keep learning through a critical feminist and decolonial lens, challenging ourselves under already very under-resourced, exhausting and hostile conditions, and keeping up with the existing inequalities of power in our times? And – last but not least – how can we make education popular, so it’s in the hands of the people?