This Weeks Journey
Starting to understand Transnationalism and the Translocal, we have prepared different perspectives and starting points on the topic. In the spirit of pluriversalism and epistemic disobedience, we have prepared different approaches for you to imagine what Transnationalism is.
1. Imagine

Masque of Anarchy - Context
The poem was an initial call for non-violent resistance that circulated around the world in the following years. The poem was written by Percy Shelley when he heard about the massacre that had happend in the North of England in 1819. At the time people gathered to listen to a speaker who expressed the importance of everyone having a right to vote in the context of a cost of living crisis. As thousands joined to hear the demands to reform parliamentary representation, the police was called to dissolve the gathering, which led to what is today known as the Peterloo Massacre, in which hundreds were injured and 18 were killed. The poem stands as a call for non-violence and circulated across borders and contexts in the following years.
Translocalism refers to relationships across locales designed to “create new spaces of agency and overcome the constraints by a nation-state bounded view... [T]hey both transgress and transcend locality and have the ability to change the local spaces from which they emerge.
Bobby Banerjee